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Multiple hats… more than a fashion statement.*


Versatility is a virtue. It grows stronger when paired with a real-world sensibility that can only be gleaned from years in the trenches. That's Jules in a nutshell. Whether advising CEOs or collaborating with marketing teams, she brings senior thinking and proven versatility to every relationship.

Jules works closely with you and your team to ensure that all goals are clearly understood. She then presents a broadscale view of your playing field to make certain that all marketing components function as one, to produce desired impact and tangible results.

Corporate and Brand Positioning

Who are you (really), why do you matter and who do you matter to? How you clarify and communicate this information is crucial to achieving business focus and overall success.

Creative Supervision

Creatives work wonders when clear strategies propel their imagination. Collaborative supervision facilitates right-brain/left-brain thinking and creative execution that firmly hits its mark.

Brand Strategy Development

Using customer intelligence as a guide, the brand strategy presents an accurate, consolidated view of your market, messaging and action imperatives to help your brand find its way.

Marketing Planning

Rock-solid strategies are futile without a plan to activate them. Thoughtful marketing planning merges strategic thinking with targeted, budget-wise tactics to drive deliberate and powerful results.

Business and Creative Copywriting

More than words on a page, well-crafted copy can inform and inspire… and bring your voice to life.

Video Production

Show your business in action. Soup-to-nuts planning includes script-writing, talent sourcing, location scouting and oversight of the entire production process.